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ENROLLING NOW for summer camp. Conveniently located in Durham, NC, we are accepting applications for ages 6 to 12. 


Our program is based on your child and your family's needs. We are here to ensure that your child receives 5-star service, while being cared for in a safe environment.

Children Embracing in Circle



From age 6 to young teens, the intellectual and physical development of children is unparalleled, and the desire to learn and to know will never be more intense.


At Linking Connections we believe that:


  1. The development of young children is strongly influenced by the degree of intellectual, physical, emotional, and social stimulation in the environment.

  2. Children learn through play, exploration, hands-on activities, and observation as well as through positive feedback from the adults who influence them, primarily parents and teachers.

  3. In a safe, happy, clean, and organized atmosphere, children learn at their own pace from everything they see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.

  4. Unhurried, non-threatening, non-competitive, non-judgemental learning experiences and positive rewards are the most effective methods for the positive growth and development of young children.

  5. Learning can not be forced, and the comparison of individual children to a standard of normalcy is non-productive, except to detect genetic or acquired abnormalities or defects that may require special attention.

  6. A child who experiences success will see herself/himself as competent, and that enhanced self-esteem increases a child’s desire to learn.


Therefore, Linking Connections is committed to providing every child with:


  1. An atmosphere rich in experiences, concepts, ideas, and skills by providing opportunities each day to play and explore in a variety of developmentally-appropriate learning centers.

  2. Opportunities for exposure to computer programs to be comfortable with the technology of today and tomorrow.

  3. Skilled, professional, and caring teachers who will participate with the children in the learning process throughout the day.

  4. Opportunities for success, enabling the child to develop a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

  5. Positive and loving direction to help him or she achieve self-discipline and develop appropriate social skills.

  6. Exciting and multifaceted educational experiences, including an introduction to verbal communication skills, foreign languages, and pre-reading and pre-writing skills as the logical steps in developing communication skills.

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